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#55: Quotes #3

3 min read

Read Quotes #1 and Quotes #2 to understand why I’m writing a list of 5 quotes once every week.

  1. All these things you’re sure are true - what if they weren’t? - Safi Bahcall
  1. I think, really, 8 hours in a 24 hour day leaves a lot of time, right? But an hour to get ready, and hour to get there, an hour to get back. That’s 11 hours dedicated to just the shit job. 5x a week, that’s 55 hours. Then there’s sleep. 8 hours a night for that (except on the nights you dedicate several hours of that to lying in bed writhing in agony over not being able to sleep and having to get up so fucking soon). 7x a week for that- there’s another 56 hours. Then there are chores. We’ll skimp on kitchen hours and call it an hour a day to cook, eat, clean the kitchen. Boom, 7 hours a week. Probably what… 5 to run errands, 2 doing laundry, 3 for basic home maintenance… that’s 17 hours for chores. That’s 128 hours in a week that don’t fucking belong to you. And that’s if you don’t dedicate time to the gym or other optional shit that makes living more manageable. There are only 168 hours in a week, guys. All this means that on an average week with no overtime or shit like moving, seeing a doctor, or going to the dmv; 40 hours are actually mine. So the first question is, why does my job get more of my time than I do? The time I DO get, I don’t even enjoy, because I have to THINK ABOUT ALL OF THE REST OF THE TIME in order to prepare myself for it. And then comes buying the shit to distract myself so I don’t have to FEEL SO BAD ABOUT IT. The little treats that tell you “see, you’re not doing all of this for nothing.” You know the ones. The material things that actually make you more fucking miserable than you were before? Yeah. And aaalllllll this stuff we buy just extends the timeframe before retirement. - Modern life is complete garbage
  1. If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu
  1. The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
  1. The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence. - Jiddu Krishnamurti